Friday, June 28, 2013

American Robotic Dreams

His robot was the first to become famous, when Dr.Egerstedt used it's picture as banner of his course-era online course the "control of mobile robots". an inexpensive, simple mechanism robot who got his mind power to run (and I'm quoting) "a novel learning algorithm that learns actions based on boundary conditions and not system states." (end quot)
Being Ph.D candidate at such fine school and yet using such simple hardware, that way he taught me a lesson: robotic is not just about high tech thousands-of-dollars worth robots hardware which I would never get my hands to, but it's all about a boundless creativity of a beautiful mind (since my thesis is related to game theory and who doesn't know John Nash and haven't seen "the beautiful mind" a movie about him), skillful hands and hard work. 

Now He is at JPL, he just got there.
He is excited I'm excited, virtually everyone who knows about JPL should be excited. "they are one of the best in robotics… and here I am!" he wrote on his website.

Me; on the other side, am proud to be just a member of big family of robotic researchers with almost no impact on the real trends

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