Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Plan

I hate serial port communication !
I spent whole day working on it and still a lot to read, a lot to understand.
basically as far as my knowledge serves me, other than data acquisition cards which are expensive and the option of using real-time operation systems either like RTX for windows or stand alone QNX there is no other way to have some signal out of a PC but Serial port and the old Parallel port.
it's much easier to use MATLAB or maybe other type of software to have the signal out but if you need to be more specific and code it all yourself that would be rough a little.
For weeks we were working a way to use XBee RF module with serial port and now I'm working on a more intelligent way of providing the out put of serial port and for the next phase I gonna blend some computer vision and controller into it.
as fall come up, who knows maybe a simple object oriented virtual reality program with is in complete synchronous with hardware and controller and vision and maybe vision can become closed-loop with virtual reality maybe.  

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