Monday, June 3, 2013

این دفعه فرق می کند، فردا روز تولدم است و به همین مناسبت به ساز دلم می رقصم و فارسی می نویسم
No exception, No excuse, will be continued in English.
Today is the last day which I'm still 24 and as sun will start shining tomorrow morning I will be 25 let me start with what had happened today, No chronological, detail oriented story, just main summits.
Someone from H.R department of General Dynamics called our office searching for me earlier this morning, Since Kelly Wong my former student of chines descent; one of only a few who had the privilege to be in all of MECH415, MECH471 and MECH474; (grammar check)gave them my name as reference for her job application. That truly pictures the influence I've acquired as TA at Concordia. A basic Google search of the company reveals that General Dynamic is the fourth largest defense contractor in the world as of 2011. Manufactured the western world most produced jet fighter, the F-16 Fighting Falcon. Hope she would get hired but it remains unspoken that she might find a ton of blood on her hands by the time she retires.

On the other side of the day i finally finished reading THE PAPER, which implies the one paper i clawed at my assumed end of the literature review and hoped to reproduce and expand as my Master thesis, leaving a legacy of myself. Sometime through the day I've done something that i can't really remember but the good lasting feeling it gave me and i can associate that with Visual C++ 6.0 and my return to 1066.00 Laboratory.

Other than that and the fact that i gonna eat out at this very special night and i feel hopeful about convergence of my Mechanical Engineering and Scientific skills with my Design, Artistic and Storytelling desires some day soon are among delight thoughts giggling in my mind.

I'm alone at this moment 07h12 PM, June 3rd, and virtually alone all the times as i live alone, far from my hometown and i try to stick to self-regulated rules and attitudes, seeking greatness and influence in very ambitious volume that stops me from being everywhere and doing everything that may squeeze mon endroit du solitude. 
I wonder "where are my friends", and after a pause of milliseconds i add "if any". Used to be popular in a very unpopular way. people had problems categorizing me and I've always enjoyed that by adding to its complexity. But at the end of the day this was part of what i believe as my charisma and the reason i was popular. Now can't really bridge between that glorious past to this miserable present and then draw a conclusion for future. I guess i will figure it out as i move forward, and open new doors, and do new things.
Quite a long post in comparison to what i have in my profile as blogger in my second language, therefore i leave it here and may i continue writing here so fearless and free from this humble beginning to a high quality writing that shines on my resume as an peerless asset.  

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